Kill-Team Operation Overlord
Time To Go Until The Event
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team - Matched Play
New Tac Ops & Mission Card Pack - will be drawn on the day.
Create a Matched Roster as described on page 90 of the Kill Team Core Book.
If you are playing both days, you can take different teams for each day as it will be two events over the weekend.
Painting competition over lunch time please leave your team set up on the table with your name.
Attendees are expected to bring their Kill Team, three barricades, dice, measuring gauges or a tape measure, all relevant rules publications, and at least 2 physical copies of their Matched Roster (one for the Event staff and one for yourself).
also a set of Kill Team: Critical Ops - Tac Ops & Mission Card Pack.
Also so you will need 5 bits of scenery from big to small for the games the boards will be down ready for you.
You will need your team, plus three barricades. Details for selecting your Matched Roster can be found on page 90 of the Kill Team Core Book. Kill Team Barricades are available in either the Kill Team Octarius set or Kill Team Essentials set. Players can scratch build barricades to fit the theme of their army as long as they are the same size and shape as those found in the Kill Team Essentials box.
Playing exciting, atmospheric games with finely detailed, painted miniatures is intrinsic to the Warhammer experience. With this in mind, all miniatures in your collection must be Games Workshop or Forge World miniatures (excluding basing or scratch built components), and be fully assembled and painted to at least a Battle Ready standard. Below are some examples of models painted to a Battle Ready Each model must accurately represent its entry on your Matched Roster. Please note that we do not expect you to model specific Equipment onto your models. However, if you have two of the same model, but with different equipment, your opponent should be able to clearly identify which model is which.
Many players “scratch build” or heavily convert elements of their model collection, and these activities are a hallowed part of Warhammer hobby history. For the sake of fairness, any conversion should be comparable in size to the most current version of the model they represent. You may not gain a benefit from converted models, but may incur penalties. For example, if you make a model extra tall with a heroic pose, this does not permit it to gain extra line of sight, but does permit it to be more easily seen.
For any converted or scratch built models, you must seek permission from
including photos of the models in question where possible, at least two weeks before the event. If you do not obtain permission for conversions before this date, you run the risk of them being removed from play, or possibly incurring score penalties. A Note on Basing: Many models are no longer produced on the bases they originally came with. Wherever possible, base your models according to their current boxed kit.
09:00 - 09:15 Registration event briefing
09:30 - 11.15 -Round 1
11:15- 11:45 Break
11.45 - 13:30 Round 2
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 15:45 Round 3
15:45 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 18:00 Round 4
18:15 -18:45 Awards
- Adam Richardson - Warhamsted
- Alex Bray
- Dale Smith
- James Bide-Thomas
- Jon Scrivens - 6++
- Kev Bertwistle
- Michael Appleton
- Simon Sheldrick
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